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Careers Advice and Guidance and Effective Transition at Green Park School
Provision at Green Park School is the responsibility of everyone.

The lead in school is Kerry Hall, you can contact Kerry on 01902 556429. For more information about our careers programme, you can also email Kerry at:

Kerry Hall.jpg

This includes Careers Education. We believe that a young person's ‘career’ is their ‘pathway through life’.

Implementation of CEG 
The School Improvement Leader has responsibility for the career's education within Green Park School. She is responsible for the work on Careers and Work-Related Learning. Work experience is planned and implemented by the School Improvement Leader in conjunction with class teams.

The duty of schools, to secure independent careers guidance for all year 8-13 pupils, is intended to expand advice and guidance for young people so they are inspired and motivated to fulfil their potential.  Inspiring every pupil through more real-life contacts with the world of work can help them understand where different choices can take them in the future. Schools should provide face-to-face advice and guidance to build confidence and motivation. This should include consideration of the role that career professionals can play in supporting pupils as one element of a varied careers program. This is done with the help and support of the Connexions team and our Enterprise Advisor.

All students attending Green Park School have an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP). 
All young people in years 8-13 should receive careers support that:

  • Is impartial.

  • Includes information on a range of pathways, including apprenticeships and social care.

  • Is adapted to the needs of the child.


Green Park School places the needs of each student at the center of all learning and experiences. This ethos is reflected in our careers policy which has been developed to meet the specific individual needs of our young people, whilst following the government careers strategy and statutory guidance. This will be reviewed annually to ensure it meets the neds of our pupils and that the impact is measured. 

Green Park provides a relevant and engaging careers curriculum which meets the differing needs and requirements of our pupils. This is developed throughout a pupil’s time at the school and is always supportive of their abilities, strengths and skills. The careers program can be tracked alongside the Gatsby Benchmarks, a framework of eight guidelines for excellent careers advice and guidance.
Careers Programme
In the Academic Year 20/21 and 21/22 the careers and enterprise curriculum will be reviewed in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Pupils from Nursery to Key Stage 2 experience and have the opportunity to take part in careers and the world of work education, as part of their broad and balanced curriculum and the themes we cover. This is done through trips and residential opportunities where pupils gain experience and understanding of the wider world, through the use of role play and practical experiences, pupils learn about and experience different jobs and occupations. All pupils take part in enterprise activities to raise funds for the school and charities through events such as the Christmas Fayre.

For Secondary aged pupils following the careers program is delivered to the Year Groups specified, however the movement through the program is planned according to the needs of each student. This means that pupils will access the program dependent on ability rather than year group – where appropriate.
Aims and purpose 
Green Park Careers policy outlines how the school’s careers program is designed to equip young people with the confidence and skills needed to prepare them for their future. This takes place through bespoke support starting in year 7 and progressing through to year 14. The program enables our young people to understand and share their own likes and interests and how these can translate to further education, social care or supported living.


  • Prepare pupils for the transition to life after Green Park School. 

  • Support pupils in making informed decisions which are appropriate for them. 

  • Provide pupils with well-rounded experiences. 

  • Develop personal characteristics such as social skills, communication, independence and resilience. 

  • Inspire and motivate pupils to develop themselves as individuals and live as independently as is possible.


This is personalised to student’s needs. We only offer experiences that are meaningful and add value to our young people.
Due to COVID19 we have had to reschedule some of our planned events. These have been replaced with virtual encounters and activities that can be carried out within the school operated bubbles. Strict guidelines and risk assessments are being carried out.


Internal Events

External Events and visitors

Autumn Term

Macmillan Coffee Morning Fund raising

Christmas Fayre 

Post 16 Providers Tour, Talks and workshops – also available virtually.


PCP meeting and personal guidance sessions for year 11 and post 16 students

Spring Term

Emergency Services and safety day 
Careers Week
Fund raising


Spring Fayre 

Apprenticeship week TBC

Work Place tours


KS3 – 4 – 5 
* Work experience

Summer Term

Setting up for school events:

Sports Day
Gardening Project

Transition workshops Work experience 

Post 16 Providers Tour, Talks and workshops – also available virtually.

Community involvement and events 
Students in our 6th Form are highly involved in charity and community events to develop a range of skills, knowledge and experience which is transferable to the world of work, including teamwork. We develop and expand a link to cross-curricular activities to allow these activities to flourish and for students to take away learning. For example, students have taken part in Children in Need, Red Nose Day and Macmillan Coffee Mornings.
Class Based Work Experience 
Pupils undertake work experience in their classroom base, known as ‘Student Responsibilities’. An example of roles may include: 

Admin Assistant – Each morning a pupil collects all the home-school books, takes the register back to reception and updates the classroom date and visual timetable. At the end of each day give out home-school books, take down the classroom date, visual timetable.

Classroom Assistant – In the morning a pupil organizes the classroom tables and puts all the chairs out. At the end of each day, the pupil stacks the chairs, wipes down the tables and whiteboard, turns off any computers and ensures items are put away tidily. 

Catering Assistant – At snack time, a pupil will put the snack options symbol on the snack display, set the table, take the snack and drink requests, prepares food and drinks and serves everyone.

Kitchen Assistant – After snack/dinner time, a pupil clears and cleans the table, washes and dries the dishes, cleans and tidies the kitchen. Putting any leftover food and drinks away. Many classes throughout the school adopt a ‘student responsibility’ model, which is differentiated to the students’ needs.
Year 7: Experience of the wider community through visits and residential experiences. Enterprise projects three times per year. Exploration of the world of work through weekly lessons such as gardening, craft, music. Through PSHE and cross-curricular activities, pupils develop skills which link to The Gatsby Benchmarks. 
Year 8: Year 8-9 –Let’s look at life skills- Learning for Living- Experience of the wider community through visits and residential experiences. Enterprise projects three times per year. Exploration of the world of work through weekly lessons such as gardening, craft and music. Through PSHE and cross-curricular activities, pupils develop skills which link to The Gatsby Benchmarks.
Year 9: Year 8-9 –Let’s look at life skills- Learning for Living -Experience of the wider community through visits and residential experiences. Enterprise projects three times per year.   Pupils also study Work Related Learning; this is a program of study through ASDAN which teaches them the skills needed for work. This includes an understanding of careers and occupations and how to dress and behave at work. Through PSHE and cross curricular activities, pupils develop skills which link to The Gatsby Benchmarks.
Year 10: Year 10-11 – Growing Careers and developing lifeskills – Learning for living- Experience of the wider community through visits and residential experiences. Enterprise projects three times per year. Vocational/ functional skills lessons. Pupils also study Work Related Learning, this is a program of study through ASDAN, which teaches them the skills needed for work. This includes an understanding of careers and occupations. They begin to participate in WEX opportunities.  
Year 11: Year 10-11 – Growing Careers and developing lifeskills – Learning for living- Experience of the wider community through visits and residential experiences. Enterprise projects three times per year.


Vocational/functional skills lessons. Pupils also study Work Related Learning, this is a program of study through ASDAN, which teaches them the skills needed for work. This includes an understanding of careers and occupations. Pupils take part in visits to Colleges and places of further education as part of their transition and careers planning. Through PSHE and cross-curricular activities, pupils develop skills which link to The Gatsby Benchmarks. They continue their WEX opportunities.

Post 16: Year 12-14 – Careers in Practice – implementing life skills –Learning for Living - Experience of the wider community through visits and residential opportunities. Enterprise projects at least three times per year.  Pupils also study Work Related Learning, this is a program of study through ASDAN, which teaches them the skills needed for work. This includes an understanding of careers and occupations. Pupils take part in visits to Colleges and places of further education as part of their transition and careers planning.  Throughout the year students take part in volunteering opportunities and have weekly access to further education providers such as college and day service providers. There is a higher focus on Independent Living Skills to increase the chances of pupils living as independently as possible. There is also an opportunity for them to visit future settings.
School Improvement Plan 
We have a section of our School Improvement Plan that is dedicated to the development of our careers programme.


  1. To ensure all of year 8-14 students have had the opportunity to access the community in a variety of ways – in school and offsite

  2. To ensure all of our students are given the opportunity to use and transfer their knowledge and skills in meaningful ways through different experiences.

  3. Year 8-9 –Let’s look at life skills- Learning for Living. Internal WEX.

  4. Year 10-11 – Growing Careers and developing lifeskills – Learning for living. WEX.

  5. Year 12-14 – Careers in Practice – implementing life skills –Learning for Living. WEX.

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