Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH)
Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH)
Our SEMH curriculum: PSHE and RE At Green Park School, our Personal, Social, Health, Economic and Relationships and Sex Education enables our pupils to develop the knowledge and skills needed to form and maintain positive relationships with others, increase their emotional resilience and independence.
Our RE curriculum, reflects the rich diverse community we live in and aims to support our pupils understanding of right and wrong.
Teaching Methods
Our Knowledge rich curriculum has been developed to ensure pupils make progress throughout their Green Park journey. Our pupils have regular timetabled opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of both PSHE, RSHE and RE alongside weekly assemblies and themed days.
Pupils’ independence skills are at the heart of our SEMH provision and is encouraged at every opportunity throughout the school day. Our pupils’ wellbeing is paramount, and we utilise a range of approaches to ensure they are emotionally resilient and ready to learn for example, Cool Kids, Attention Autism.
Tailored RSE interventions are delivered by our trained RSE leads to individual pupils based on a specific need after consultation with parents for a range of topics.
RE is taught discreetly each week with pupils being given the opportunity to learn about cultures, celebrations, respect and diversity. These sessions are accompanied by weekly assemblies which reflect the pupils’ theme for the term with an emphasis on celebrating success and special theme days whereby pupils are immersed in culture rich experiences.
Assessment in SEMH
Assessment is important for SEMH as it is used to celebrate pupils learning and identify next steps. Pupils follow their set pathways (EYFS, Pre-formal, Semi- Formal, Formal or Functional) and their EHCP and Learning Passports targets which are continuously monitored through the EFL app. Pupils following the Semi formal and Formal pathways will also be assessed at the end of each topic against key assessment statements where they are either emerging, developing or secure on each step. Students in Sixth Form Education will continue to work through Accredited courses.
Through pupil progress meetings students are identified to attend specific interventions to give targeted supported such as Lego Therapy, Rebound, Massage therapy, BBWs etc.
Learning outcomes are reported on in end of year reports to parents.
Working with Parents
Parent consultation meetings are undertaken to discuss progress and next steps of learning. Parents are invited to attend their child’s EHCP annual review to discuss strengths, skills and needs.
Parents are consulted on specific tailored interventions and the content being delivered in relation to RSE such as puberty.
Staff Training and Expertise
All staff are trained in PROACT-SCIPr-UK® and receive regular fresher training.
We have 5 staff trained to deliver specific Relationships and Sex Education interventions to pupils.
Staff are also trained to support Books Beyond Words, Attention Autism, Lego Therapy, Massage therapy.